ASK Consulting History

ASK Consulting, LLC, (ASK) was formed in 2009 to fund and provide administrative and consulting support to four research projects that were developing intellectual property for a strategic plan called the Progress Project, and to own the resulting intellectual property.  Experienced financial services industry consultants were retained by ASK to provide their expertise to the development of the Progress Project strategic plan.  The resulting Progress Project strategic plan was designed to mitigate productive Americans’ post-Great Recession retirement savings deficits, and to mitigate 501 (c) 3 Organizations’ post-Great Recession endowment savings deficits.   Intellectual property was also developed by ASK consultants for the two central implementation components of the Progress Project, the New Economic Order Planning Program and the Agent of Progress Communication, Marketing, and Sales System.

Research projects sponsored by ASK include the Economics of Life Research Project and the Doctors Economic Research Project which were initiated in 1971 to develop economic education, retirement savings and endowment planning programs for business owner/executives, other productive individuals, and doctors, the Agent of Progress Research Project which was initiated in 1974 to develop brain function management systems for use in communication, marketing and sales applications, and the Permanent Endowment Research Project, which was initiated in 1981 to develop a guaranteed outcome, perpetually multiplying, endowment funding system for families and for 501 (c) 3 non-profit organizations.

In addition to retaining experienced financial services industry consultants, ASK Consulting, LLC (ASK) licenses an insurance agency subsidiary, Progress Alliance Insurance Services (PAIC), a DBA of ASK, Consulting, LLC.  ASK, as owner of the Progress Project intellectual property, receives intellectual property use fees equal to 30% of the commission revenues generated by life insurance agents who contract with Progress Alliance Insurance Services as Progress Financial/Endowment Counselors.   These specially trained individuals implement the New Economic Order Planning Program for doctors, business owner/executives and other productive individuals, affluent individuals, and non-profit organizations.  ASK also provides third party administrative services for 501 (c) 3 non-profit organizations and for affluent individuals who participate in the proprietary, special-design endowment programs developed by the Permanent Endowment Research Project.

Beginning in 2009 ASK provided funding for pilot projects that were initiated in Honolulu, Hawaii and Salt Lake City, Utah to test the earnings management and savings management planning components of the New Economic Order Planning Program.  Additional pilot projects were then initiated in Southern California, Colorado, and Indiana to test New Economic Order Planning Program marketing and prospect generation programs. At the end of 2012 these pilot projects were successfully concluded, and the resulting planning components were assembled to create the New Economic Order Planning Program.

In 2014 ASK began funding a fintech project to create an integrated, personalized Capital Accumulation Plan and Retirement Plan Proposal system, a Capital Distribution Plan, and an Endowment Creation Plan for New Economic Order Planning Program participants.  By the end of 2017 training programs had been developed for these planning components of the New Economic Order Planning Program.

In 2019 the Doctors Economic Research Association and the New Economic Order Planning Association to provide economic education and planning memberships to qualified doctors and non-doctors.

In 2019 websites were created for the Progress Project operating entities.  Social media resources were developed to facilitate distribution of New Economic Order Planning Program economic education content, and to support name recognition marketing, consultant recruiting and prospect generation objectives.

In 2021 a smartphone application, the Panic Button Productivity App was completed and made available for public use on the Apple App Store and on the Google Play Store.  At the same time, the Agent of Progress Sales System book was published on Amazon and the Agent of Progress Sales System Training Program was completed. The training program supports New Economic Order Planning Program Counselors’ career development

The research and development phase of the Progress Project and the New Economic Order Planning Program is now completed and a strategic partner/ buyer to introduce the New Economic Order Planning Program to the national market. The Progress Project/New Economic Order Planning Program is well positioned for national expansion and exponential revenue growth.